Teleflora Crazy for You Bouquet

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Teleflora Crazy for You Bouquet

Be still my heart, she’ll say when this ravishingly romantic bouquet arrives at the door. Luscious red roses, white alstroemeria and pink carnations in a dazzling silver reflections vase. She’ll fall in love with you all over again. PLEASE NOTE: SILVER VASE MAY BE SUBSTITUTED due to limited availability.

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Product Description

Teleflora Crazy for You Bouquet

Be still my heart, she’ll say when this ravishingly romantic bouquet arrives at the door. Luscious red roses, white alstroemeria and pink carnations in a dazzling silver reflections vase. She’ll fall in love with you all over again. PLEASE NOTE: SILVER VASE MAY BE SUBSTITUTED due to limited availability.

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